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Frequently Asked Questions

Shared web hosting services are amongst the most popular types of web hosting, primarily because they are extremely affordable. Shared web hosting provides the plan holder with access to a small part of a web server that is used by hundreds of other web sites. These powerful web servers are split into partitions that are allocated to the web hosting customers.

Shared web servers are unique because they are split up into partitions that are assigned to each hosting account. A server partition is a section of a web server that is completely separate from the rest of the web server. Even though the partitions are completely separate, the server software configuration is the same across the entire web server.

In general, shared web hosting is perfect for new webmasters that are just getting started with web hosting. If you need a cheap way to get your sites up and running, then shared web hosting may be perfect for you. However, if you plan on operating many websites, or one very busy website, then you may want to consider a more comprehensive hosting plan, such as a VPS or dedicated hosting plan.

WordPress is a free, open-source content management system — which is a complex way of saying WordPress helps you to build and manage a website without needing to know how to code.

You can contact us at [email protected] and raise a migration request. We will get in touch with you.

We run an automated daily backup of all your sites. Each site keeps a 30-day backup history, so you can restore select files, all files or the database.

VPS web hosting is one of the most popular kinds of hosting available, most likely because it offers a perfect balance between affordability and professional functionality. VPS is an abbreviation for Virtual Private Server, which describes the web server configuration.

Cloud VPS hosting is much different than regular web hosting because it utilizes a network of web servers that work in unison to provide server resources to hundreds of web sites simultaneously.

The main benefit of VPS hosting is the expandability of the hosting plans. Instead of being confined to a particular set of server resources, you can expand your plan at any time in most cases. If you are not sure how much server resources you need to keep your sites operating optimally, then you may want to consider a powerful VPS plan, or a cloud VPS hosting plan.

Dedicated web hosting is the most powerful hosting type currently available to the public, other than cloud hosting which is generally a corporate solution. Dedicated hosting accounts are capable of hosting hundreds of web sites simultaneously without the need for additional features or services. If you are planning on building an online empire then you will definitely need a dedicated server.

If you own a large business or dozens of successful websites, then you may want to consider upgrading to a dedicated hosting plan eventually. This is especially true if you are experiencing site down time or other performance issues with your current hosting plans.